People who never have enough find little peace or joy or love in their lives. The rich never have enough to make them content. They fear thieves plotting to take their stuff. They fear they won’t have enough money to live in comfort till they die. And they know they’ll live for at least another twenty years. Trusting in money is like standing on quicksand. It’s always draining away from you.
The New York Times ran an article last week called “The Angry Rich” by Paul Krugman. Those who make more than $500,000 a year are the ones who are complaining the most and the loudest about letting the Bush tax cuts end. They will be affected the most. A half million dollars a year is not enough for them.
Some people see this parable as being about heaven and hell when we die. If that’s the case, then all Jesus will have to do when he returns is to analyze your checkbook when you die. He'll calculate how much you spent on yourself and how much you gave to the poor during your lifetime. Then he’ll know what bus to assign you. That wouldn’t be good news for most of us today.
The Love of Money
I think the story helps us see what the love of money does to a person. What separates the rich from the poor is the level of their discontent or unpeace. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor. They shall inherit the kingdom of God.” The poor don’t need a bank account to last the next ten years to make them content. They are content if they know they have enough food for today, and maybe tomorrow.
People today aren't convinced when Jesus says, "Your interpretation of Moses is all messed up.” (my paraphrase, :) They don’t believe someone who has come back from the dead when he says true abundance is found in helping others.
The rich protect their money. The poor protect each other. Somewhere between the two is a chasm that cannot be crossed. Except Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.” There is a way across that chasm. That way is with Jesus Christ, risen, living and breathing in your heart and mind.
Jesus is Enough
Peace and contentment in this life will only come when Jesus is enough. This is the full expression of faith – when Jesus is enough for us. When he is ruling in our hearts, we will have peace. He carries us across that chasm called discontentment. He is the bridge from a life of trust in material things to a life of compassion for our neighbors who suffer. It’s a chasm we cannot cross on our own power.
Jesus showed God’s incredible love for us. Jesus is enough because love is enough. When you know you are loved, you can do without just about anything. You can be content with very little. It’s not easy to understand how knowing you are loved by the God who made you is enough. But if you trust what Jesus taught, then you will follow him by caring and supporting those who are sick and who suffer. In this, you will be carried across the chasm and find peace.
Peace - PWM
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