Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In a Little While - John 16:16-23

Four times, Jesus says the words ‘in a little while.’ We are comforted when we know trials and difficult times will only last for a little while. Jesus knew and we know the disciples were going to experience despair for three days when Jesus was taken from them. When you are in the beginning and midst of His absence, it feels like an eternity. But not to worry – in a little while, He will return in resurrection joy. How many times do we have to experience this feeling of His leaving us to figure out that if we will only trust His words to us – "in a little while you will see me again." Isn’t that part of the answer? It isn’t that He has left us, but usually we have left the presence of God in favor of sin, or simply following our own way. We can’t see Him when we depart from Him in distrust. And yet, He finds a way to open our eyes to His constant presence. Trust and wait patiently for His return. Every time He returns, our trust/faith gets stronger. Luther suggested that the disciples’ understanding about Jesus was hindered by their thinking that He was still going to establish an earthly kingdom, and they would be lords with Him. To go to the Father means Jesus enters the immortal life where time and the needs of the body are no more, and He can rule in the hearts of all people without the need for food or sleep. Luther equated the ‘world’ with the scribes and Pharisees who find joy in opposing Christ because they were always bothered by His teaching, and found no joy or peace wherever they interacted with Christ. Brother Martin liked the image that the Gospel is repeated in us – Christ dies in His human form in us and then rises to new life to reign in our hearts. He cautioned us to not judge ourselves or our faith according to our feelings as if comfort is lost and sorrow will not end when we sense His absence, but hold onto the words ‘in a little while’ when our sorrow shall be turned into joy, for Christ will arise in our hearts again (3-#32)…soon. Peace - PWM

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